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chapter 2

kfc wow my burger's now hot and Cheezy Vol. 1





Let's start with this post because

without this post, there wouldn't have been a campaign.​


The brief of this campaign was simple, KFC's arch-rival and greatest competitor, Mcdonalds put out a 'hit" on them and they wanted to do something about it. Our solution? Hit back. 


No, we weren't talking about a physical altercation but rather we'd hit back with musical hits! You see their "hit" coincided with the re-release of KFC's Hot & Cheezy promotional burger and we took this as stepping stone in the creation of our idea. 


The Hot & Cheezy promised to be the cheesiest burger in Malaysia and we used that as our hook. The idea was simple, promote the message that the Hot & Cheezy was the cheesiest and most tasty burger while making fun of our competitors bland bugers. Mix this with a little bit of technological innovation, song writing and Wow My Burger's Now Hot and Cheezy Vol. 1 was born.


Inspired by the compilation music albums of the late 90s and early 00s we created a musical album that spoofed the cheesiest songs from that era. To listen to said songs users had to visit our campaign website which would lead them to a burger-wrapper scanner where users would have to scan KFC competitor's burger wrappers to unlock the songs. Each wrapper unlocked a specific song that would make fun of that particular brand and serenate them, making their burger eating experience a cheesier and better one. Finally all songs would end with a discount code for them to order and try the Hot & Cheezy.



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Case study​


As the Hot & Cheezy is a promotional burger that releases for a short time yearly, we decided to run our campaign through a mascot that KFC had previously used for another Hot & Cheezy campaign. The mascot was a talking burger puppet and it would be the singer of all the songs in the album. 


Although inspired by songs of the past, all songs in the album were written from scratch. 


Additionally we interestingly also found data to prove that music makes eating experiences better and that helped elevate our campaign even further. 

The website and how it worked​


When it comes to burgers, our audience is usually having McDonald’s, Burger King, and our other competitors. So we decided to hijack their burger-eating moments and make it a little more Hot & Cheezy. 


We turned our competitor’s products into media real estate. By scanning the competitor’s burger wrappers, the consumer would be directed to a cheeky music video that poked fun at the competitor and prompted viewers to try out a Hot and Cheezy.


Geo-targeting was used to identify consumers at nearby competitor outlets and served banners that led to the scanner that was used to play the music videos.


When they scan the non-KFC burger wrappers with their smartphones, a unique song based on the exact burger brand they scanned was played to them. All songs ended with a delivery promo code for users to try the new burger from KFC.





Here you see our campaign microsite, when a user enters they are greeted with our campaign key visual that's inspired by old compilation albums along with our campaign message. Right underneath that is our TVC along with the steps on how to use our scanner. Users can then press the "Scan Now" button to be directed into the scanner to have some cheezy fun! 




From this.

To this.


Return the mac

- mark more burgeron​


Unlocked when scanned with: Mcdonalds burger wrappers 


Inspired by: 

Return of the Mack -

Mark Morrison  



uptown cheese

- burger joel​


Unlocked when scanned with: Carl's Jr. burger wrappers


Inspired by: 

Uptown Girl -                                      Billy Joel 


Burger queen

- Abba nak hot & Cheezy​


Unlocked when scanned with: Burger King burger wrappers 


Inspired by: 

Dancing Queen -                              ABBA  



cheese drives me crazy

- fine young cheezy cannibals​


Unlocked when scanned with:  Texas Chicken burger wrappers


Inspired by: 

She Drives Me Crazy -                      Fine Young Cannibals 



no burger no cry - bob mali​


Unlocked when scanned with



Inspired by: 

No Woman No Cry -                          Bob Marley  



kfc is the best​

- hot & cheezy


Unlocked when scanned with

KFC burger wrappers


Inspired by: 




kau burgerku

- manbuy kfc​


Unlocked when scanned with

Ramly burger wrappers


Inspired by: 

Kau Ilhamku - Man Bai


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consumer journey


Go to microsite --> Scan burger wrapper --> Listen to the song specifically made for the burger --> Listen to the rest of the album

--> Use the promo code to try the Hot & Cheezy!



© Cavan Ang. 

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